Download citizen sleeper steam
Download citizen sleeper steam

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You are a sleeper, a digitised human consciousness in an artificial body, owned by a corporation that wants you back. Roleplaying in the ruins of interplanetary capitalismįrom the developer of In Other Waters, and featuring the stunning character art of Guillaume Singelin, Citizen Sleeper is a narrative RPG set on Erlin’s Eye, a ruined space station that is home to thousands of people trying to survive on the edges of an interstellar capitalist society. Learn to survive and ultimately thrive, one cycle at a time.Buy Citizen Sleeper as a Steam key at Make or break alliances, uncover truths and escape those that hunt you. Search the markets for rare components or grab some street food. Every cycle you get up and choose what to do with your time. Now it is held together by anarchic alliances, ramshackle factions and a shared desire to be free from the gravity of corporate control. Run down, chaotic, unruly, and alive it was founded by idealists in the shadow of a corporate collapse. Citizen Sleeper Pre-installed Game DownloadĪn abandoned station on the edge of a system in crisis. Thrust amongst the unfamiliar and colourful inhabitants of the Eye, you need to build friendships, earn your keep, and navigate the factions of this strange metropolis, if you hope to survive to see the next cycle.

download citizen sleeper steam

Citizen Sleeper Free Download pc game in a pre- installeddirect link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best free games on steam Citizen Sleeper Free Download (v1.3.1)

Download citizen sleeper steam